Question: How can I turn on or turn off the ice maker


Models: HB21FW(NN), HB21FWRSS, HB22FWNN :
On the cabinet display control panel, press and hold the FREEZER temperature control button " >"  and the REFRIGERATOR temperature control button " < " simultaneously for 3 seconds, "EXPRESS FRZ"  flashes on the cabinet display panel, then the ice maker stops operating.

To start the ice maker press and hold the FREEZER temperature control button " > " and the REFRIGERATOR temperature control button " < " .simultaneously for 3 seconds.


Model: HB21F(NN) :
The ice maker is activated when power is switched on to the refrigerator. The ice maker OFF icon (J) is dark. Press the "ICE ON/OFF " button  to turn off the icemaker. The icemaker OFF icon (J) is displayed.

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