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What Temperature Should I Set My Air Conditioner in Summer?

01-31 2024

Summer becomes a bummer when it’s scorching heat outside and can quickly turn into a less-than-ideal season of the year. It's no surprise that in the humid climate of Bangladesh, you may find yourself feeling more lethargic and less enthusiastic about outdoor activities. Naturally, you’d want to crank up the AC and retreat indoors for a natural inclination.

Well, did you know that there are recommended temperatures for your AC during each season, especially when it’s summer? Well, this is to keep your AC in mint condition and provide you with the subtle satisfaction of being cool.

You may often find yourself asking…

  1. What's the optimal temperature setting for my air conditioner during the summer?

  2. What temperature should I program my thermostat to for maximum comfort and efficiency?

  3. How high can I set my AC unit's temperature before it becomes uncomfortably warm?

  4. If the outside temperature says it’s 40°C, what should my indoor temperature be like?

Well, during the summer, the ideal air conditioner temperature setting is normally kept at approximately 25°C, for that subtle cooling airflow, according to Energy Star. This temperature strikes the perfect mix between energy conservation and comfort – this way you can stay cool and keep a handle on the energy expenses.

Keeping this in mind, live smarter with Haier – as we have the most advanced inverter and non-inverter models at affordable AC prices in Bangladesh. Moreover, we care about your comfort and the comfort of the Earth, which is why this blog post will go over which temperature you should maintain your AC during the summer season, as well as how you may benefit yourself by allowing your AC to consume less energy than usual.

The temperature to keep when you aren’t present in the room

It's a common habit to leave your room with the air conditioner running in a chilly setting, anticipating the comfort of returning to a cool ambiance. But despite the allure of this practice, it can be counterproductive. This habit can result in the air conditioner running for extended periods in an unoccupied room, needlessly increasing energy consumption.

We recommend turning the AC off entirely, but there's a potential drawback to this approach as well. Frequent and rapid cycling of the AC unit, turning it on and off within short intervals, can have adverse effects on the compressor and other essential components.

Even so, if you plan to be gone from home during the day, try raising your thermostat to save electricity. When you're not at home, a decent rule of thumb is to set it around five degrees higher than your preferred temperature. This idea may also be implemented in the winter; you can save energy by lowering your thermostat by five degrees.

The ideal temperature for a comfortable night's sleep during the summer

Surprisingly there’s a foundation called "The National Sleep Foundation" and they dedicate themselves to research in improving health conditions by enhancing sleeping health and cycle. 

They recommend a sleep-friendly temperature range of 16°C to 20°C. This temperature, combined with factors like reducing caffeine intake and creating a dark, quiet sleeping environment, can lead to better sleep.

But what does this mean for your energy expenses? Since you're probably using the air conditioner more during the night, you might worry about higher costs. 

The reassuring news is that because you're saving energy during the day, the increased nighttime usage shouldn't significantly impact your overall energy bill. With that in mind, you can sleep better with the feeling of sleeping in a cold desert on humid summer nights!

Troubleshooting Tips

Experiencing problems with your air conditioner during the summer is not something unusual. One possible reason is that during milder weather, we often use the AC less frequently, which can lead to various issues, including dust accumulation and component wear & tear.

You're not alone if you encounter such problems; they can be unpredictable but are quite normal. 

Let's explore some troubleshooting tips to quickly resolve these issues and return to enjoying cool comfort amidst the summer heat.

A. Clean your filters

We advise you to regularly clean your air filters when your AC runs continuously. Given reports of AC explosions in Bangladesh, it's essential to exercise caution. While you can't be too careful, at least you can make an effort. Blocked filters can lead to problems.

B. Inspect your outdoor unit

To efficiently evacuate heat, the AC compressor requires free circulation on both sides. If you've allowed plants to grow on it or cover it for decorative reasons, your AC may be unable to reach the correct temperature.

C. Consider your AC's age

Some AC models, like inverter ACs, promise a longer lifespan as they cause less wear and tear on your equipment compared to non-inverters. Thus, we ask you to consider choosing an inverter AC for this reason. 

However, if your AC is over ten years old, it becomes necessary for experts to assess the condition for age-related problems and general wear and tear. As this may cause the AC to cool your space. 

If you’re on the lookout for buying a new AC for your home, choose Haier, since our AC units come equipped with innovative features at affordable prices. 


Let the summer come, as now you’ll be prepared to take the right measures on how to efficiently run your AC and stay cool at the same time. There’s a smarter approach to everything in life, all you have to do is be on the lookout.

Be sure to remove any winter AC covers before starting it, as well as inspect the unit for damage caused by harsh weather – this is important for your own safety as well as your AC. Make sure to clean the indoor air vents to ensure good airflow and clear away dirt and debris around the unit and replace the air filters for better indoor air quality, if you need to. 

Once your AC is up and running you may feel like there’s something wrong, or have an instinct of some kind. Then contact your HVAC expert or call Haier’s customer support for any assistance you may require.

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