On March 31, 2012, Haier hosted Earth Hour performances which began in sequence in different time zones around the globe. This was Haier's second Earth Hour project with the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF). The Haier name brought this year's performances to every continent of the Earth, and the Haier Earth Hour...Inspiration DJ Channel also broadcast the events over the internet, making this Earth Hour the biggest event ever to be supported by a domestic appliance brand.
Inspiration Builds Community
At 8.30pm on the evening of March 31, the 6th Earth Hour began. The east side of the Beijing National Stadium was the venue for the Haier Earth Hour performance in China, and it was a feast of innovation and public spiritedness. The fresh, exciting Turn Off the Lights Appliance Percussion show, children's choir and green inspiration painting left a lasting impression on the audience and reporters at the venue, and left everyone feeling that they were part of something bigger than themselves.
The online Haier Earth Hour...Inspiration DJ Channel followed the action. At the stadium, the crowds of green supporters saw a "dance of the green appliances" to the percussion on energy-saving devices. Forty children in candlelight sang "One World" (in Chinese) and "Health the World". Their sweet voices resonated with the hopes of everyone to build a better world. The painting that the children did on appliances with their fluorescent pens were the perfect send off to the low-carbon Earth Hour, messages on the medium of energy-saving Haier appliances.
Global Relay
The Haier Earth Hour...Inspiration DJ Channel was launched in the run up to Earth Hour on March 23. The channel invited everyone to "turn out the lights and listen to the sound of the Earth". By March 31, about two million people had visited or responded to the channel online.
The offline Earth Hour events were not just in Beijing. Haier hosted Earth Hour performances in cities around the world. In Osaka, Japan, Haier Japan customers and staff listened to the music of nature by candlelight, experiencing the voice of the Earth. In New York, Haier's Facebook friends danced on Broadway to the sounds of the "turn off the lights" percussion music played on green appliances. In Paris, beatbox champions gave the performance of a lifetime in a "turn off the lights" event with Haier Europe customers, together creating all new sounds of nature.