to a weak infrastructure, power supply shortages and a lack of
installation and maintenance services, some Belt and Road Initiative
countries cannot provide enough safety measures for vaccinations. As
a result, the vaccination rate is extremely low in these countries.
In addition, vaccines can become defective after transportation
because of high temperatures.
tackle these issues, Haier Biomedical joined efforts with UNICEF, the
World Health Organization and the GAVI Alliance to create full-cold
chain, all-weather, full-process and full lifecycle vaccine safety
solutions. These solutions form a global vaccine ecosystem that
covers manufacturing, transportation, customs clearance, delivery,
installation and maintenance and ensures safe vaccination to the
“last mile”.
units of solar direct drive vaccine refrigerators sent to Yemen,
benefiting 5 million children amid Covid-19
the end of March, the last batch of solar direct drive (SDD) vaccine
refrigerators have been manufactured and shipped out to Yemen. In
total, Haier Biomedical has supported Yemen, an Arab country, with
2123 solar direct drive vaccine refrigerators. After nearly three
months of painstaking efforts by Haier staff, all the refrigerators
have been successfully delivered within the lead time. While the
novel coronavirus is spreading across the globe, Haier Biomedical
solar direct drive vaccine refrigerators have significantly improved
the local health conditions and the children’s level of immunity.
safety has been seriously compromised by the deteriorating medical
and health conditions and the dire power supply shortages in Yemen.
According to UNICEF data, over 300 children fall ill from various
kinds of diseases every day.
2123 solar direct drive vaccine refrigerators feature 5-day stable
refrigeration and can solve the problem of defective vaccines caused
by power shortages and improve the effectiveness of vaccinations
among children. According to statistics, Haier Biomedical has
provided safe vaccination services to over 5 million local children.

Biomedical supports Yemen with 2123 SDD refrigerators)
Health Globally, Build a Community of a Shared Future for Mankind,
Spread Love & Care through Technology
from Yemen, Haier Biomedical has also established cooperation with 48
countries of the GAVI Alliance and entered 78 countries and regions
including those along the Belt and Road, saving the lives of 5
million children in Africa. In total, over 150,000 Haier vaccine
refrigerators have been installed around the world, providing
protection for over 200 million children.
India, over 60,000 Haier vaccine refrigerators have been installed to
ensure the safety and popularization of vaccinations; in Ethiopia,
3,000 units are installed; in Kyrghyzstan, 632 units.
Ethiopia, Haier SDD vaccine refrigerators are installed at Xiliti
Garbi health stations to provide smart vaccine solutions and ensure
vaccination safety for local children. These refrigerators also help
protect the local environment by reducing electronic waste.
Uzbekistan, Haier built the first overseas five-star immunization
model center. In Tashkent, Uzbekistan, the completion of first
five-star immunization model center – IMMUNO is another successful
practical application of the Haier Biomedical scientific ecosystem
model. Haier Biomedical is committed to use technology to assist Belt
and Road countries in improving their national health conditions and
providing safe vaccinations for more children.

five-star immunization model center in Uzbekistan)
order to provide the best zero-distance and zero-delay user
experience, Haier constructs a global vaccine ecosystem that covers
manufacturing, transportation, customs clearance, delivery,
installation and maintenance. Haier also initiates an overseas
vaccine network EMC (ecosystem microenterprise contract) in Ethiopia
and encourages self-organization, self-driving, value creation and
sharing among entrepreneurs.
As a
world-leading vaccine safety solution provider, Haier Biomedical
focuses on the health of children around the world. Through the
implementation of the RenDanHeYi model and cross-industry/culture
replication, Haier endeavors to build a community of a shared future
for mankind, whatever the cost may be.